Master Programs

Master of Public Health in Biostatistics: Thai and International Programs: 2 years

Objectives of the Program

At the end of the program, graduates should be able to:

  • Apply statistical methods in identifying and assessing health problems, monitoring and evaluating health programs, and other forms of health research.
  • Conduct research effectively and efficiently.
  • Use a computer to process and analyze data, communicate, and operate a health information system.
  • Analyze, and show a critical appraisal of evidence in research methodology and statistical methods being applied.
  • Be a research consultant and a resource person in statistics and research methodology.
  • Cooperate with other disciplines both inside and outside the health sciences area.
  • Develop his/her knowledge and skills and keep abreast of scientific advances.
  • Have moral principles and professional ethics.

Program Structure

The program structure is arranged in two plans, Plan A(1) and A(2).




Study Plan

Plan A(1)

Plan A(2)

Thesis only

Thesis and Coursework

Core course

(Non–Credit courses)

2 credits

1 credit

Core courses


     23 credits



      3 credits


38 credits

     12 credits


38 credits

     38 credits